Thursday 6 February 2014

My Remedy

Throat Infection 101

Lately I have been getting throat infection…not a good sign. This means that I haven’t been eating healthy meals and lack of sleep. Exams happens all these random sickness comes along and accompanies me~

Yesterday, I woke up feeling the right side of my throat was inflamed…worried that I will have another throat infection so I decided to try an experiment.

I took 2 tablets of USANA Proflavanol C aka Vitamin C. Drank lots of water throughout the day. Around 10pm last night I drank a large cup of green tea
(no sugar or milk)

Before I went to bed, I took another 2 tablets of Vitamin C…

TA-DA~~ Next morning (today), woke up and it was almost gone. I can still kind of feel a little bit but it works like magic! 

- Vitamin C – 4 tablets a day (USANA Proflavanol C)
-    NO SUGAR* or MILK*
-  Drink plenty of water throughout the day.
-   Drink Green Tea**

*Sugar and Milk, allows the bacteria to feed on, instead of getting better it actually makes it worse because it increases mucus production.*

**Green tea contains strong anti-oxidants. Catechins are strong antibacterial and antiviral.**

Note: It may be different for everyone - 


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